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发布时间:2024-04-12        浏览次数:0



同期活动|Concurrent Activities

    展会同期还将举办能源重点领域大规模设备更新和技术改造产业论坛、首届长三角虚拟电厂运营与发展 论坛、国际新型储能产业发展论坛及浙江国际新型储能产业博览会等展览活动与论坛。论坛期间将邀请众多 国内外专家学者、电力公司负责人、能源从业者、企业代表等围绕构建新型电力系统、“双碳”战略发展趋 势、虚拟电厂转型发展、新型储能技术创新、数字能源投融资、新型能源体系建设、推动能源高质量发展等 热点话题展开探讨。 

    During the exhibition, there are a series of events such as Forum on Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Technological Transformation in Key Areas of Energy, the First Yangtze River Delta Virtual Power Plant Operation and Development Forum, International New Energy Storage Industry Development Forum and Zhejiang International New Energy Storage Industry Expo and others to be held. Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars, heads of power companies, energy practitioners, and business representatives will be invited to discuss hot topics such as the construction of a new power system, the development trend of the "dual carbon" strategy, the transformation and development of virtual power plants, the innovation of new energy storage technology, digital energy investment and financing, the construction of a new energy system, and the high-quality development of energy.

展出大类|Major Exhibits

1、电力技术与设备 发电设备与技术、变电及输配电、电力计量、承装、修、试设备与技术及其他电力配套等; 

2、智慧电网与新能源科技创新 电力物联网、通信与信息设备技术、新能源及充电桩技术设备、储能技术及电力电子等。 

• Power Technology and Equipment: power generation equipment and technology, substation and transmission/distribution, power metering, installation, maintenance, testing equipment and technology, and other power supporting facilities, etc. 

• Smart Grid and New Energy Technology Innovation: Power Internet of Things, communication and information equipment technology, new energy and charging station technology and equipment, energy storage technology and power electronics, etc. Note: A special exhibition area for the integration of power in the Yangtze River Delta is set up during the exhibition.


目标观众|Target Audience

重点邀请国内外电力设备与技术供应商、电力能源相关单位、大型用电耗能单位、节能减排相关机构、 设计院科研院所等电力能源全产业链的专业人士与企业参展参会。

Domestic and foreign companies across the entire power and energy industry chain, including power equipment and technology supply companies, power-related entities, large energy-consuming units, energy-saving and emission reduction organizations, as well as design institutes and research institutions.

展位预定I Booth Reservation

请立即预定“NPSE 2025”展位,越早预留位置越佳,争取最大曝光率,领先竞争对手,开拓无限商机。 

Please reserve the booth of " NPSE 2025" immediately. The sooner you reserve, the better your reserved position. Strive for maximum exposure, lead competitors, and open up unlimited business opportunities. 

如欲预订“NPSE 2025”采购交易会展位,或了解更多信息,请发电子邮件至info@goldenexpo.com.cn 。 


To reserve the booth of “NPSE 2025” or learn more information, please contact: 

电话/ Tel : (86-21) 6439-6190 

E-mail: info@goldenexpo.com.cn